This is a great concept and a fun game! Like the old typing games to learn typing. Except this time, you can improve your typing on your iPhone or iPod Touch! It is well made, featuring a simple and cute moving background and little animated characters. However, as has been said by others, the levels get too hard too quickly. Instead of being that hard on Level 5, it shouldnt get that hard until Level 20. Also, the levels should be longer. If the game was improved in this way, it would be more fun. It would be great to be able to choose from different backgrounds... I dont know if theres more backgrounds later in the game, I cant beat Level 5! Another addition that I would love would be a "free play" mode. You can choose which level to play, and then the monsters keep coming and dont stop coming, you dont move onto another level, and you just keep playing that level until youre dead, or until you choose to end the game. In this mode, you try to get the highest score for that level. If this was added, you would be able to keep playing on the difficulty level that best suited your skill level, and keep trying to improve yourself on that level. That would make this game a lot more fun to play. I hope to see updates for this app and will revise my review if updates are made!
WhoLovesCoverFlow? about Monster Typer Free